Facial Plastic Surgery Process
The face is central to how we present ourselves to the world. When you make the decision to bring the best aesthetic version of yourself forward with facial rejuvenation, our exceptional team knows how to make your experience as easy and comfortable as possible.
At Miller Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Scott Miller ensures your procedure is tailored to achieve the best results based on your needs, concerns, and individual goals. From your consultation to your post-operative follow-up appointments, rest assured that our team will help you navigate every phase of surgery. While each person’s treatment plan is personalized, the process can generally be described in four simple steps.
Visualize & Analyze Your Concerns
Do you feel like yourself when you look in the mirror? Do you notice changes in your face that may be hindering your self-confidence? Even if you aren’t sure which treatment is right for you, most patients who seek out cosmetic enhancement have a general idea of what features they might like to improve. Your consultation is an opportunity for you to speak openly and honestly about your desires with our board-certified plastic surgeon so he can begin to understand how you both can work together to achieve your goals.
Customize Your Surgery
After evaluating your unique concerns and determining which procedure(s) can help you attain the look you desire, Dr. Miller will customize every aspect of your surgical plan to achieve your ideal outcome. Personalizing your procedure ensures your results look natural and harmonious with the character of your face, allowing your rejuvenation to perfectly complement the inherent beauty of your features.
Actualize Your Goals
Dr. Miller will perform your surgery using modern techniques designed to minimize invasiveness, recovery time, and post-operative discomfort as much as possible. The approaches utilized are pre-determined and discussed with you prior to the procedure so you’re fully informed of what will be accomplished. Surgery takes place in our private AAAASF-accredited facility, allowing you the highest standards of safety, comfort, and cleanliness during your procedure.
Realize Your Potential
Our team will provide you with detailed recovery and aftercare instructions to help facilitate the healing process and optimize your results. Dr. Miller will monitor your progress in follow-up appointments to ensure your recovery is proceeding smoothly. As the results unfold and swelling resolves, patients often comment that they feel like themselves again and experience a new lease on life.
For more information about how facial plastic surgery can help you reclaim your appearance and confidence, please contact Miller Cosmetic Surgery today.